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checking your hat size

Place the measuring tape around your head above your ears leaving 1 finger space, going through the middle of your forehead and the most prominent part of the back of your head.
medida cabeza negro.png
Take care that the tape is not too tight!
sombreros de moda
2. Now that you know your measurement, find your size in the following table.
Our hats have an adjustable cotton sweat, so they cover 2 or 3 measurements each size

size / measure

s   /   53 - 55 cm (65/8 - 67/8)
m   /   56 - 57 cm (7 - 71/8)
l   /   58 - 59 cm (71/4 - 73/8)
xl  /   60 - 61 cm (71/2 - 75/8)

If you have doubts about your hat size, it is preferable to order a size above

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